We condemn the violence against the reporter

Broadcast and print media informed the broad public about a punishable act. Because of exercising his duties, reporter Eduard Ilnica was violated brutally. This incident took place after a story he had published on the electronic website of “Telesport,” about the match between the football of Korabi and Kastrioti some days ago.

Through the story, the reporter had notified the public about the turmoil that had taken place in the mentioned match.

The Albanian Helsinki Committee (AHC) condemns this ugly act, which openly violates freedom of expression sanctioned in the Constitution and the European Convention of Human Rights. The press is free and its mission is to obtain and render information of public interest.

AHC suggests to penal prosecution bodies a full, comprehensive and objective investigation and the holding accountable of those responsible. AHC deems it necessary to emphasize that such cases are not rare or isolated. It is necessary to prevent them.

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