A shocking and painful event

Broadcast and print media informed the public about a shocking event that had taken place in the Shkodër orphanage. Employees of this institution were seen in the recorded video footage committing acts of violence as well as ignoring and despising behavior toward children, who they should serve as custodians for because they are paid by the state budget precisely for that purpose.

The Albanian Helsinki Committee considers such behavior not only brutal violations of children’s rights, but also inhuman behavior that is in violation of legislation in force and international acts applicable to Albania. Item 1 of article 54 of the Constitution sanctions that children have the right to special protection by the state and care for orphan children has been sanctioned as a social objective in item 1/e of article 59 of the Constitution.

AHC supports the initiative of the Prosecutor’s Office to initiate criminal prosecution on responsible persons and the intervention of the Minister of Social Welfare Mr. Blendi Klosi who ordered their dismissal from their jobs.

However, AHC suggests that this incident should become the subject of profound, comprehensive analysis by relevant bodies in order to highlight any likelihood of such behavior reappearing in the future. It is necessary that such institutions demonstrate greater care for the selection, qualification and treatment of personnel while also increasing oversight. Greater transparency should be ensured on the activity of these institutions by civil society, which should have access to monitor and observe their operations.

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