Immediate measures are required so the energy crisis does not worsen

The energy crisis is becoming too disturbing. Its consequences are also harmful. They primarily violate citizens’ legitimate concerns, their right to normal living.

The Albanian Helsinki Committee finds that electricity outages are on the rise. It is already clear that government promises were not kept; still, transparency is lacking while justifications continue.

AHC, based on numerous communications with citizens, not only in Tirana,but also in other districts of the country, concludes that politics and politicians should seriously turn their attention toward the concerns of the people, concerns that are in the day’s agenda and call for solutions.

AHC is of the opinion that efforts for our country’s integration into Euro-Atlantic structures are closely related to measures for our wellbeing. Citizens, among other things, want electricity and water. Their government should supply them with these.

The Albanian Helsinki Committee calls upon the government to inform citizens concretely, transparently, about measures that will lead to an improvement of the situation.

The further worsening of the electricity crisis is reflected everywhere, in all sectors. It should be prevented through increased responsibility and coordinated measures.

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