AHC initially named the Forum for the Protection of Human Rights and fundamental Freedoms was founded on 19 December 1990 with the main objective to protect Human Rights.
Since its very beginning this Committee assisted in the process of the democratic changes which tool place in Albania as well as contributed to sensitize the public opinion for the release of hundreds of political prisoners.
On 22 March 1992 AHC was recognized as a full member of International Helsinki Federation for Human Rights stationed in Vienna. The IHF consists of human rights NGOs in 39 countries of the OSCE. AHC based in Tirana extends its activities all over Albania. In addition, a network of correspondents, which aims at monitoring the respect of human rights in various areas, is established in Kukës, Gjirokastër, Fier, Vlorë, Korçë, Elbasan, and Shkodër.
Delegacioni i Bashkimit Evropian në Shqipëri Programet e mbështetjes së Qeverisë Suedeze, nëpërmjet CRD Open Society Institute - Budapestte - Budapest Ambasada Amerikane Ambasada Hollandeze Programi MATRA i Qeverisë Hollandeze Fondacioni i Shoqërisë së Hapur (SOROS) Qeveria Daneze nëpërmjet SIPU UNICEF Swiss Cooperation CORDAID KOMITETI NORVEGJEZ I HELSINKIT USAID.