Prevent selling of drugs in schools

Through information published in the media of May 8, 2016, the Albanian Helsinki Committee (AHC) became aware of the arrest, in the act, of 18-year old B.K., a third-year high-school student of the “Sali Ceka” High School in Elbasan. During physical searches and the search conducted in his home, it was reported that police found a small amount of drugs in small packages, which were suspected were ready to be sold to his peers in the school he attended.

Based also on other similar information published in the media or reported by State Police, AHC considers this phenomenon a disturbing one. AHC notes that such cases reported in the past also took place in other schools of the country. We also notice that after these cases, initially there are some meetings, some measures are taken, but there is no consistency and therefore their impact is minimal. We emphasize this also because of the fact that some surveys conducted in the past have signaled that the use of drugs in not such a small scale has spread to schools too.

AHC is aware that the prevention of the sale of drugs in schools, in different forms and by different persons, is not the duty of public order bodies alone, but of the entire society, first and foremost of education institutions and parents.

Cooperation and coordination among the above bodies and civil society should be concrete and not formal and declarative. AHC recommends that, in this regard, there be greater awareness and sensitization of students themselves; the damage that drug use causes to their health and their lives should be made clear to them. AHC would recommend that specialists with knowledge of this field also help with such activities.

AHC appeals that this disturbing problem is evaluated by undertaking concrete action.

The use of drugs, especially by youth, jeopardizes their health and their lives, seriously harms them morally, and makes them useless for themselves, their families and the society.

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