Parliamentary democracy is not compatible with hate speech

The Albanian Helsinki Committee (AHC) has reacted publicly even before against hate and aggressive speech, often used in the Assembly, by both majority and opposition MPs. It is regrettable, it has even become very disturbing, that this phenomenon recently is manifested increasingly harsher, both in the activity of Assembly Committees and in plenary sessions.

The broader public is concerned and violated in its right to obtain information about the activity of the highest representative body, in the circumstances when parliamentary sessions often lack communication ethics, when some MPs make serious insults and humiliating expressions against the dignity of their colleagues, or other persons, not present in the hall of the Assembly. Of course, such sessions are impossible for citizens to follow normally as instead of informing about the activity of the Assembly, pursuant to its mission, they rather convey an ugly communication model, lack of cooperation and understanding for the good of the country. On the other hand, such behavior by the highest representatives of the people are a bad model of action, conveyed to citizens to use in their lives, without excluding the danger for children and the younger generation, who may assimilate this model, thus threatening that such an abnormal situation in the Assembly of Albania may be conveyed in social life in the country.

Aware of the important role of the Assembly of Albania in the context of democratic developments and the rule of law in the country, AHC calls for an end to hate speech and aggressive behaviors and expects the representatives of the people, in spite of their political affiliation, to engage more and more seriously in resolving the problems that preoccupy people, for the improvement of their lives and wellbeing.

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