AHC collaborates and coordinates its work with civil society organizations, public institutions, as well as with bilateral, multi-lateral or private international bodies that operate in the field of the protection, promotion and implementation of human rights in Albania. although some of these organizations may be competitors of AHC to some extent and on certain issues, AHC always pursues the path of cooperation and coordination with them. Meanwhile, AHC has signed cooperation agreements with some main public institutions.

AHC is a member of the Network of Free Legal Clinics in Albania; the Albanian Network of Organizations for the Protection of Human Rights; the Council of Europe’s Civil Society Solidarity Platform; and the Network of Organizations for the Protection of Human Rights in the Balkans, which stems from this Platform.

The main organizations and institutions that AHC most collaborates with are as follows:


  • Parliament of Albania and especially the Special Parliamentary Commission for Justice Reform; the Committee on Legal Affairs, the Public Administration and Human Rights; the Committee on Education and Public Information Means, and the Committee on Productive Activities, Trade and the Environment
  • High Council of Justice, Ministry of Justice, General Directory of Prisons
  • General Directory of State Police
  • Ministry of Education and Sports; Ministry of Social Welfare and Youth; Ministry of Health; Ministry of Environment
  • Central Election Commission
  • High State Audit
  • Municipalities of Tiranë, Lezhë, Korçë, Gjirokastër, Fier, and Elbasan, Kukës, Vlorë, Shkodër, etc
  • Bashkitë Tiranë, Lezhë, Korçë, Gjirokastër, Fier, dhe Elbasan, Kukës, Vlorë, Shkodër etj.


  • Center for Civic Legal Initiatives, ResPublica, Albanian Human Rights Group, Center for Rehabilitation of Torture and Trauma, TILAS, European Institute of Tirana, Human Rights House, “Përthyerja” association, Albanian Center for Human Rights
  • Albanian Network against Domestic Violence and Trafficking
  • Albanian Disability Rights Foundation (ADRF) and the network of organizations that ADRF coordinates
  • Alliance against Discrimination for LGBT Persons and ProLGBT Albania
  • Partners Albania; “Eden” association
  • Children’s Human Rights Center Albania
  • “Roma for Integration” Association and other associations protecting the rights of the Roma community

iii. ACADEMIC INSTITUTIONS: University of Tirana, “Marin Barleti” University, “Luarasi” University, “Ismail Qemali” University, Vlorë, “Fan Noli” University, Korçë


  • OSCE Presence in Tirana
  • UN Agencies in Tirana
  • EU Delegation in Albania
  • KRCT (Kati, Kosova)
  • Helsinki Committee in the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, Macedonia, Poland, Greece, Serbia, Bulgaria
  • In Lande Person (EU project)

Main donors that have supported AHC’s work in the last three years include:

  • Civil Rights Defenders
  • The EU Delegation in Albania
  • The Council of Europe
  • Open Society Institute - Budapest
  • Open Society Foundation Albania (OSFA)
  • NATIONAL Endowment for Democracy (NED)
  • Embassies of the Netherlands, Switzerland and the United States in Tirana
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