Local publication for call for proposals



Albanian Helsinki Committee, Netherlands Helsinki Committee, The Norwegian Helsinki Committee, Helsinki Committee for Human Rights in Serbia and the Together for Life (TFL) are implementing the project “Civil Society Countering Violent Extremism”, financed by the European Union.

The overall objective of this EU project funded under the Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights is: “Countering and preventing the spread of violent extremism and radicalization in the remote area of Albania.”

The target groups of the project are civil society organizations (NGOs), Community-based organizations, Community-building organizations, Media organizations, youth women organizations.

The current Call for Proposals, effective as of 09 June – 31 July 2017, is for the Sub Granting Scheme (SGS) that is one of main components of the Project which aims to support Civil Society Organizations operating in the field of children’s rights, child protection or human rights in general, community based organizations, youth and women organizations. We encourage applicants for all faith based organizations, ethnic society organizations etc.

The overall indicative amount made available under this Call for Proposals is EUR 187,764.

The information Session in Shkodra will be organized on the 10 July 2017 at the EU Info Center in Shkodra

The information Session in Tirana will be organized on the 12 July 2017 at the EU Info Center Tirana

Session Information in Gjirokatër will be organized on the 14 July 2017, at the Hotel “Çajupi”, Gjirokastra

The total project budget for any grant requested under this Call for Proposals must fall between the following minimum and maximum amounts:

Small sub-grants: EUR 5,000.00 – 10,000.00

The deadline for the submission of applications is 31 July 2017 at 17:00.

The rules applicable for the selection and implementation of the projects to be financed are those described in the Call for Proposals and the Sub Grant Operational Manual (LINK of the manual), or available on the official websites www.ahc.org.al and www.togetherforlife.org.al

A copy of the Guidelines and Manual can be additionally requested through sending an email at: office@ahc.org.al.

Call for Proposals


Civil Society Countering Violent Extremism

Albanian Helsinki Committee

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