Announcement: 11.11.2016

We know and remember him as an outstanding intellectual and capable and objective historian; AHC knows him for his merits in the foundation of the first Albanian Forum for the Protection of Fundamental Human Rights and Freedoms, which was later labeled the “Albanian Helsinki Committee.” Professor Arben Puto, together with a group of intellectual, founded this organization in the context of the first wave of movements for the democratic transformation of Albania in December 1990.

Professor Arben Puto led the Albanian Helsinki Committee for 10 years and was actively engaged as a member of the AHC Assembly for 26 years. His contribution in the field of protection of citizens’ rights and freedoms is special. He took care of and made special contribution to the education of the young generation, of AHC activists. At the top of this Committee, he also contributed to increasing resonance and creating a very good reputation for the organization inside and out of the country, with regard to continued and courageous reactions for the protection of the rights and freedoms of citizens. In the last years, Professor Arben Puto reflected in a special work the contribution of AHC from its foundation.

The members of the AHS Assembly and the many activists of the organization will remember him with profound gratitude for the special merits in the recognition and strengthening of the role of civil society, the further consolidation of democracy and the rule of law in Albania.

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