Amnesty, indicator of a humane penal policy
Based on media reports, we have been informed that there will be no amnesty this year. This is an exclusive competence of the Assembly. However, the Albanian Helsinki Committee (AHC) deems it necessary to highlight the intent of the amnesty, referring to international standards as well as amnesty laws approved by the Assembly of the
Press Statement – Inhuman Treatment of a Convict at the Peqin Prison
The Albanian Helsinki Committee (AHC), based on a signal it received that violence was exerted on a convict at the IEPD Peqin on 04.10.2017, conducted a verification on site, whereby it resulted that on 30.09.2017, around 22:30, the group on duty of Prison Police carried out an inspection for prohibited items at the High Security
More transparency about the evaluation of the professional capabilities of prosecutors in the context of the vetting process
The Albanian Helsinki Committee (AHC), with support from the Open Society Foundation Albania, is engaged in monitoring one of the most important processes of justice reform, that of vetting. On August 9, 2017, AHC submitted a request for information to institutions that collaborate with vetting bodies for the evaluation of assets, the control of the
On September 20, 2017, the Albanian Helsinki Committee (AHC) monitored the special meeting of the Higher Education Institutions (HEI) for the selection of candidates for members of the High Judicial Council (HJC) and the High Prosecutorial Council (HPC). During the monitoring, we found that representatives from the HEI and the School of Magistrates respected article
The isolated, especially children, require the intervention of the state
The Albanian Helsinki Committee (AHC), spurred by the information provided in newspaper “Panorama” of September 11, 2017, headline “The isolated child is not given the ‘besa’ to receive education in the village,” which talks about 24 children isolated in the District of Shkodra (for 15 of which plans are to provide education at home), deems
Measures for food security are relatively scarce
The Albanian Helsinki Committee supports and lauds the investigation of the “Fiks Fare” show on food safety. AHC deems it necessary to emphasize the fact that it is not the first time that food products have resulted out of standards, but is of the opinion that this issue has not been pursued to the end.
The Albanian Helsinki Committee (AHC) learned with profound pain, from the print media, about the murder of judge Fildes Hafizi, as well as the background, conditions and circumstances of this incident. On this occasion, we convey to the family and all relatives of the victim our sincere condolences. AHC condemns this barbaric act, an offense
The Albanian Helsinki Committee (AHC) appreciates and encourages efforts in the engagement for and intensification of the coordinated fight of the State Police against the production and trafficking of narcotics as well as cleaning up the infiltrated from police ranks. In consultation with citizens and in support of some partial data, AHC expresses concern that
The pages of daily newspaper “” during August of this year have featured data about the assets of those subjects that, pursuant to law no. 9049, dated 10.06.2003 “On the declaration and audit of assets, financial liabilities of elected officials and some public servants (amended),” are obliged to declare their assets. The Albanian Helsinki Committee
The Albanian Helsinki Committee (AHC) has followed with attention the notifications in the media and that have been reflected in the relevant High State Audit (HSA), which talks about a series of denunciations by this independent constitutional institution, about damages that have been caused to the state budget in very large amounts, in billions of