On June 22, 2016, the Albanian Helsinki Committee (AHC) conducted a monitoring mission in the Institution for the Execution of Penal Decisions, Lezhë, to review some complaints received from convicts. The monitoring produced some problems and violations of rights, of which we think the following are worth mentioning: 1. The severe overcrowding situation in contravention
The Albanian Helsinki Committee (AHC) has followed in a consistent manner the issue of the treatment of citizens whom the court has remanded to a medical security measure of “compulsory medication in a medical institution,” according to article 46 of the Penal Code. These citizens, in violation of the law and of court rulings, for
TV Klan’s “Stop” show of May 31, 2016, aired gruesome footage of the internal premises of the Development Center in Shkodra that treats persons with disabilities. The broadcasted footage of the inside of these premises feature some citizens tied in their hands or feet with locks and chains, fixated to a metal structure, on a
The Albanian Helsinki Committee (AHC), the first non-governmental organization founded in December 1990, hereby expresses its concern that the approval of reform of the justice system is being delayed. Our concern derives from the fact that we are an organization that, for over 25 years, has had and continues to have as its main mission
Media of May 29, 2016, referring to a report of the General Directory of Prisons of April this year, noted from a statistical standpoint that of the 5769 persons who are kept in institutions for the execution of penal decisions (convictions), 2622 have been sentenced to imprisonment (159 of them to life imprisonment), 2979 are
The Albanian Helsinki Committee (AHC) and the Children’s Rights Observatory became aware of a grave scandal that had taken place at the Children’s Residential Center in the Shkodër Municipality. Three minor female children who lived in the orphanage of the city were abused sexually. The Shkodër Judicial District Prosecutor’s Office has initiated penal prosecution and
According to article 145 of the Constitution, judges are independent and are only subject to the constitution and laws. Interfering with the activity of courts or judges leads to responsibilities that the law addresses. Decisions issued by courts may be undone or amended solely by the higher instances of the judicial system. The Albanian Helsinki
Broadcast and print media informed the broad public about a punishable act. Because of exercising his duties, reporter Eduard Ilnica was violated brutally. This incident took place after a story he had published on the electronic website of “Telesport,” about the match between the football of Korabi and Kastrioti some days ago. Through the story,
Through information published in the media of May 8, 2016, the Albanian Helsinki Committee (AHC) became aware of the arrest, in the act, of 18-year old B.K., a third-year high-school student of the “Sali Ceka” High School in Elbasan. During physical searches and the search conducted in his home, it was reported that police found
The Albanian Helsinki Committee (AHC) has addressed the High State Audit (HSA) with a request for copies of lawsuits that HSA submitted during 2014 to the Prosecutor’s Offices of Tiranë and Durrës, as well as copies of complaints by HSA to courts toward decisions by the prosecutor’s offices to not initiate or to drop penal